The story behind the significant celebration of Eid Ul Adha is very deep and full of virtues. As it beholds the story of the prophet Ibrahim's love to God and his love to his son Ishmael.

On that very month, Ibrahim's faith was severely tested by Allah. But in the end, Allah S.W.T intervenes and a ram was replaced for sacrifice instead.

So what's the moral behind the story?
Allah is telling us that He does not demand sacrifice but rather devotion and obedience. The story also teaches us to give our trust to Him and submit only to Him, because indeed He is the only one that can protect us and remove us from any circumstances in a whim.

It would be great for us, as parents to take our time and sit down with the children before going out praying the Eid Ul Aha prayer and tell them the prophet Ibrahim's story.
Make some time for them, do not let them follow us to the mosque and prays without them understand what is the actual meaning of that day. Teaches them to love Allah and to learn to put their trust in Allah in every situations.

Consequently, make the celebration of Eid - Ul - Adha a day for:

    • Self reflection - evaluate our deeds, action and faith
    • remembrance and appreciation
    • Thanking and praising God for being a Muslim
    • Reconfirming Tawheed and the Oneness of Allah

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